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Dear [Recipient’s Name],
Opening Para graph: In the opening para graph, you should introduce yourself and explain the purpose of your letter. For example, if you are writing to a friend, you might start with a greeting and ask how they are doing. If you are writing a business letter, you should state the reason for your correspondence and any necessary background information.
Middle Para graph(s): In the middle para graphs, you should provide more details about the purpose of your letter. This might include explaining a problem you are ha ving, making a request, or providing additional information. If you are writing a business letter, you might also include any relevant data or statistics to support your argument.
Closing Para graph: In the closing para graph, you should summarize the main points of your letter and restate your purpose. You might also offer a solution to a problem or suggest a course of action. Finally, you should thank the recipient for their time and consideration.
Closing: In the closing, you should use a formal sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” and include your name and contact information. If you are writing a business letter, you should also include your job title and company name.
[Your Name]


1. 信头(Heading):写信人的地址和日期。
2. 称呼(Salutation):信的开头,如Dear…等。
3. 正文(Body):信的内容。
4. 结尾(Closing):信的结尾,如Sincerely…等。
5. 签名(Signature):写信人的签名。
Dear John,
I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a l o ng time since we last spoke, and I wanted to take this opportunity to catch up and share some news with you.
I ha ve recently started a new job at a marketing a gency, and it has been keeping me quite busy. However, I am enjoying the new challenges and opportunities that it brings. How about you? How has work been treating you?
In other news, I ha ve also started taking some evening classes in photography. It is something that I ha ve always been interested in, and I am excited to learn more about it. Ha ve you picked up any new hob b ies or interests lately?
Anyway, I hope we can catch up soon in person. Let me know if you ha ve any free time in the coming weeks and we can arrange to meet up.
Best regards,


Dear [Recipient’s Name],
Opening para graph: Begin by introducing yourself and explaining the purpose of your letter. This para graph should be short and to the point.
Middle para graphs: Use the middle para graphs to provide more details about your reason for writing. You can use bullet points or numbered lists to make your letter easier to read.
Closing para graph: End the letter by thanking the recipient for their time and consideration. You can also include any contact information or follow-up actions that you would like the recipient to take.
[Your Name]


答案:Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to express my disa p pointment and frustration regarding the service I received at your store on [date]. I visited your store to purchase [product/service], but the experience turned out to be completely unacceptable.
Firstly, the staff members were extremely unhelpful and rude. When I a p proached them with a query, they were dis missive and uninterested in ass i sting me. This attitude was extremely unprofessional and left me feeling undervalued as a customer.
Secondly, the product I purchased was faulty and did not meet my expectations. When I tried to return it, the staff members were uncooperative and refused to offer a ref u nd or exchange. This is unacceptable, as I believe that customers ha ve the right to receive quality products and services.
I am extremely disa p pointed with the service I received at your store and would like to request that you take action to rectify this situation. I would a p preciate a full ref u nd for the faulty product, as well as an apology for the poor service I received.


